Klick the pic !
Between/among G.O.T-Star Peter Dinklage and grandmaster John Woo, MOVIEBREAK (Germany,s biggest film-critics magazine) introduced our movie/Film. Thank you !
Fun on the set...the only way how it works !
LITTLE-TIMMY: " Why is he taking so long for asking the bank manager for some money...? :-)
Meanwhile: Dylan, Bugsy and Mickie are chilling their life in Brooklyn with german dark-beer
Before shooting on the set... Mickie, Dylan and Bucksy
On set...Director René G Daniel directed Mainactor Dylan Papermoon
On set, before shooting: Mickie, Dylan, Bugsy, Miss Albright and Little-Timmy
Little-Timmy and Mickie before shooting...Actors today -)
L-R: Dylan Papermoon (Mainactor), Big-Eye Jojy, Inspector Rooney, Little-Timmy and Bucksy Morayn
a "WARNING CALL" from Brooklyn to Chicago
Dylan Papermoon is delivering the first message/a offer to Mickie-The Child´s father---The Boss of bosses of NYC.
Dylan Papermoon, Inspector Rooney and Bucksy Morayn on the amazing "sunset-road" back to NYC
Dylan discuss the danger of the upcoming whiskey-deal
Dylan Papermoon and Bugsy Morayn discuss their next step to avoid a upcoming "gang-war" in Brooklyn.
Meanwhile...Mickie-the child has the "mission" to confuse Inspector Rooney /to lead him on a wrong path...
On behalf of Dylan Papermoon...Mickie and Little-Timmy has something very important to do.
On the way to Mooresville...but Dylan Papermoon has to do something first...
Filming with natural light is the best ! LITTLE-TIMMY "somewhere and nowhere between NYC and Mooresville/Indiana"
Bugsy Morayn and Inspector Rooney: "Waiting for the right answer!"
Bugsy and Little Timmy,s escape into NYC- underground
Centralpark/Christmas-Eve/Winter 1928
...sometimes a picture needs no words...
DYLAN PAPERMOON and "Moonshiner" BUGSY MORAYN has something to discuss...
Meanwhile...Dylan,Mickie and Bugsy discuss their scene, Big-Eye Joji is bored and little Timmy entertains the Cameraman -)
a film shot that needs NO words...
We started our first Visual-Effect-Scenes for DYLAN PAPERMOON
Special thanks to our Cast&Crew, especially to our VFX-Supervisor Yannik H. for his great art and engagement. Stay tuned friends!
On the Set before shooting:
Rene G Daniel/Director,
( Nicole Lauer-Sup-Actress),
( Charles Matthau-Sup-Actor and Exec.-Producer)
Today I had a "meet up" with an "old-friend" ...bad idea ...bad day
Dept Collector Torrio Jr. has something "to discuss" with newsboy DYLAN PAPERMOON
Lt. Johnson (Charles Matthau) surching for the most wanted newsboy in Town...
Still on the road...for the place to be. Until then, we have a lot of fun...!
Dangerous crossing through "CENTRAL PARK- New York" DYLAN PAPERMOON and his brothers...
SPECIAL SHOOTING we had last weekend
CHARLIE MATTHAU is staring in feature film DYLAN PAPERMOON...!
After a very dangerous and bloody-cold night...Milk and Pancakes for DYLAN PAPERMOON and his little Brothers at Inspector Rooney,s house. / Nach einer sehr gefährlichen und todlich-kalten Nacht...im Hause bei Inspektor Rooney.
Mister CHARLES MATTHAU at the film set of DYLAN PAPERMOON. Film shooting in Bamberg and discussions in Forchheim.
Klick Artikel/Vergrößerung
Große Aufregung und noch größere Freude herrschte letzte Woche am Filmset von DYLAN PAPERMOON in Bamberg.
Mister Charles Matthau kam eigens für die Dreharbeiten von Los Angeles über London nach Bamberg und Forchheim um sein Department als Executive Producer im Filmprojekt wahrzunehmen. Dem von der californischen Sonne verwöhnten Hollywood-Filmproduzenten fröstelte es zusehens; doch trotz Regen und Kälte gelang es uns und den Kids tolle Szenen abzudrehen.
Great excitement and even more joy reigned on the film set of DYLAN PAPERMOON last week in Bamberg.
Mister Charles Matthau came specially from Los Angeles to Bamberg and Forchheim to perceive the film shooting as Executive Producer. The Hollywood filmmaker who
was hours before still spoiled by the California sun shivered by cold and rain; (by the way-we also shivered by cold) But in spite of rain and cold and the help of the great endurance
of the kids, we made it !
Unter lebensgefährlichen Umständen muss sich der Zeitungsjunge Dylan Papermoon in einer Eisengießerei ausbeuten lassen um sich und seine kleinen Brüder am Leben zu erhalten...
Under life-threatening circumstances, the newsboy Dylan Papermoon has to exploit himself in a iron foundry - to keep himself and his little brothers alive...
"I knock that Ball up to Babe Ruth House!"
Hier wollen wir Euch endlich ein paar Eindrücke vom DREH/Shooting in Bamberg presentieren.
An diesem Tag gabs keine "NEWS" vom Newsboy-DYLAN PAPERMOON auf den Strassen von Brooklyn; Heute widmete er sich den Versuch , den Kids in seiner Straße die Schlagtechnik seines Idols BABE RUTH zu demonstrieren...mit mäßigen Erfolg.
"I knock the ball up to Babe Ruth House!" He actually hit the ball that flew to the roof ... and finally landed in the gutter.
On this day the Newsboy-DYLAN PAPERMOON sold not "News" on the streets of Brooklyn; Today he devoted himself to trying to demonstrate to the kids in his street, the stroke technique of his idol BABE RUTH ... with lousy success.
Und wieder durften wir mit ein paar Szenen unserem großen Ziel etwas näher kommen.
Am ersten Juliwochenende fanden erneut Drehabeiten (historische Szenen) zum Jugendkinofilmprojekt DYLAN PAPERMOON statt.
Hier ein paar Eindrücke von den Dreharbeiten die uns Allen, von "groß bis KLEIN/Alt und Jung" großen Spass bereiteten.
Again, with few scenes we could get closer to our great goal.
In July we started with the (historical scenes) for DYLAN PAPERMOON.
Here are some impressions of the shooting that gave "young and old-big and small people" a lot of fun.